Librarian Vacancy at Mount Aspiring College Wanaka

Tena Koutou,

If you dream of change and if you dream of joining the lovely active community of Wanaka, then apply for my job in the mighty Mount Aspiring College

I leave a golden place here with:

  • a new library on the way, the temporary library will be set up by the start of the year
  • a refreshed collection, as massive weeding is taking place before the move
  • a highly praised and used library service
  • a new Principal and all the exciting changes she will bring to our school
  • all in a great school, with wonderful students and a collegial team

Click here for the job description.

It is a 30 hours position and you will have 18 hours of trained staff to assist you.
The library system is Athenaeum. Feel free to contact me for any further information

And I move on to my other passion, with the creation of a Gardens Tour business

Looking forward to meeting you either in the library or in a garden tour!

 Ka kite,

Florence Micoud

From: I Opened a book, by Julia Donaldson, Scottish Poetry Library

Supporting dyslexic students

It’s Dyslexia awareness week. Check out resources on the New Zealand Dyslexia Foundation website

The library has an extensive range of books designed to facilitate reading to dyslexic students. Here is a list of our dyslexia friendly collection. Many are on display in the library.

Our ebook platform can help:  Watch this short video to learn how to set your device to read with ease.


Read to win!

Erik’s Fish and Chips has announced the first set of Central Lakes prize winners for Erik’s Reading Challenge!

Congratulations to…

Amber from Wanaka Primary School who has won:
2 nights accommodation for your family at Bella Vista Motel in Dunedin
$100 Best Cafe voucher
Visit to the Dinosaur Revolution Secrets of Survival Exhibition
Visit to the Ocho Chocolate Factory

Ruby from KingsView School has won our monthly draw:
$30 Erik’s Fish and Chips voucher
I-Fly voucher
$25 Spice Room Voucher

Last but not least, our monthly teachers prize goes to Ruby’s teacher, Katie:
A Harmany Spa voucher
$25 Spice Room voucher
$30 Erik’s Fish and Chips voucher

There is another draw at the end of September and October, so keep reading!
Every 5 chapter books read is one entry and get a free kids meal at Erik’s Fish and Chips.

Thanks to the team at Erik’s! ‌  ‌

Level 2 continued

Covid19Please remember to sanitize when entering the library.

Practice social distancing (use the cross on the floor).

We now quarantine returned books for 5 days.

Level 2 in the library


  • SANITIZE in – Sanitize out
  • SOCIAL DISTANCE: stay on crosses on the floor
  • ISSUE DESK: show the barcode of the book to the librarian who scans it. No self-issue (as it is via a shared pen)

Books are quarantined for 3 days on return.

The library will be locked at Interval and lunchtime after approximately 30 students are in.

One class at a time can book the library.


Print AND Digital

Love booksPrint

I love books. Of course, I am librarian! I think each book is a treasure, a gift.

I enjoy the tactile experience, the paper softness, its smell.

I can lend a book, give it forward, I remember who gifted me which book, I may hug it even!

Their materiality give them context, a significance, therefore a stronger memory.

Most importantly, I love reading books. I enjoy diving into the pages in precious dedicated times. Losing myself in a book, forgetting time, living someone else life, being rocked by the rhythm of the words…

I also read print (alias a knowledge book) to learn a subject in depth, exploring all its aspects and nuances, often re-reading a difficult or important part to take it in. Oh! And they don’t have advertising!

Reading onlineDigital

I am an avid online reader too. But I can’t say I love it.

Online is where I get a lot of information, everything I want to know and more.

I explore the world and worldviews, I get news and weather of course. I keep contact with my friends, my community, and read many things I do not need.

Snippets, snapshots. Quick. Easy.

I read articles too, I skim-read the page to see if it’s what I want to read, then click away or continue skim reading. I tend to skip the end when articles are too long. Or my phone beeps and off I am.

Online reading has great advantages: ability to read in the dark, my phone of lighter than most books, it’s easy to find the information I want, it’s perfect when travelling and even saving paper!

As librarian, I witness first-hand how books in print are less and less used.  Is it a problem?

Reading Brain

Maryanne Wolf is a reading specialist. In her latest book, “The Reading Brain in a Digital World” she questions the future of the reading brain and our capacity for critical thinking, empathy, and reflection as we switch to online technologies.

Studies have shown that 85% of students multitask (=get distracted) in an online environment but only 26% when reading print.

Analyses of movements of the eyes when reading show that we scan through a screen (in the shape of an F) whereas eyes follow lines in a book. Trained to search and find words fast on webpages, we unconsciously practice speed-reading on a screen. So we read e-books faster! We look for the meaning, the plot, but miss the implicit, the depth and the literary expression.

Learning impact

So what about thinking, analyzing, evaluating? What does it mean for learning?

A study by Geoff Kaufman and Mary Flanagan says that for abstract (inference-based) questions, the print participants scored higher, on average, with 66 percent correct compared to the digital participants with just 48 percent correct. For concrete questions, digital participants out-scored the print participants: 73 percent correct versus 58 percent.

This study shows screens do not make us dumber as some people fear or blame.  But it does show that brains do not work the same way with print or screen.


I invite you to reflect on your reading habits, be aware of the differences print or digital offer and choose your reading medium accordingly.

It turns out that it’s no longer a Print VS Online debate, it is a Print AND Online world. We have to be bi-literate.

How do YOU read?


Hi everyone,

On the Mount Aspiring College parent portal, there is a library tab and parents can see if you have any book overdue but they cannot see the title. This is to protect your privacy, as you may not want them to know that you are reading “Is anyone’s family as mad as mine” !

Parent portal

The item title doesn’t show. It means they can’t help you find it if you’ve lost it. It also means they do not know what you read and can’t prompt interesting conversations with you about your books and reading choices.

We are reviewing this and seek your feedback to make a decision. Feel free to leave a comment or talk with the librarian about it.

Should the parent portal show the titles of the books you have borrowed from the college library? 

New normal in the library

Welcome to Term 2!

In Level 2, the new normal in the library is:

Sanitize in !
30 students maximum at any one time. So:
– 1 class each period
– interval and lunchtime: we let 30 students come in and lock the library. Only students who plan to stay the whole time are welcome.
Contact less issue:
– we ask student for their name
– they present the back of the book so we scan it.
It is best if they issue at the end of the period
Sanitize out!
For everyone’s safety, we clean and quarantine all the returned books for 3 days.
Enjoy off-screen time in a good book 😉